Hope&Glory gets altogether better read now that Blurb has joined us
25th January 2012

Hope&Glory gets altogether better read now that Blurb has joined us

Big news from us as we’re getting stuck into some good books.

We pitched for … and thankfully won … self-publishing outfit, Blurb.

Already a big name in photography and graphics, we’re going to be helping them to start gently expanding their appeal to creative types – people who are probably already making beautiful things and photographing them, or writing great copy … but who haven’t yet thought about making them into a book.

We are also going to be helping them as they develop their eBook platform … so watch this space as we start to get involved in the heady world of the future of publishing, how writers make money from their work, the ways that we will read books in the future … you get the picture.

Anyway, props are due to the pitch team of Jo, James, Sarah, Simon and Stuart. Work begins this week, so we’re already feeling just a little more literary around here today …

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