Taking to Paddington to test just how “honest” the nation is with IKEA, Save the Children and Unicef
22nd October 2013

Taking to Paddington to test just how “honest” the nation is with IKEA, Save the Children and Unicef

The weirdness of this week continued on Monday as we found ourselves hanging out with our very own Honesty Box at Paddington Station.

A bright and breezy 5.00 am start saw the team out – including our very own David in the Darren the Bear suit – to see just how honest the average commuter is and just how much money they are prepared to give when they know it’s for a good cause.

The concept was pretty simple: to support the annual IKEA Soft Toys Campaign (in which IKEA donates £1 from every toy sold to the two charities), we thought it’d be cute to have an honesty box for a day at a major station, with passers by asked to pick up a toy and to donate what they felt appropriate.

At the same time owe decided to undertake a bit of a social experiment.

So we worked with the good people of MindLab to test a series of situations – whether people will give more if they know a charity is involved, whether they are more likely to give more when they think they’re being watched (in this case by a 6 foot bear) and whether people will be honest when they’re asked how much they gave.

Not only did the experience itself raise a heap of cash, therefore (well over £2,000 went to the charities), but it also grabbed some utterly lovely coverage – including this beauty on the Daily Telegraph.

Cracking work from team IKEA.

We’ve been working our paws off on IKEA’s latest campaign, helping find pets their forever home
The team has been helping Greggs turn a store in Newcastle into a full-blown rave with North East DJ legend
IKEA’s been news hi-jacking towel-based outfits again … and driving some bang-on brand messages at the same time
We've been having heaps of festive fun launching Greggs’ first foray into fine dining with the launch of "Bistro Greggs" in Fenwicks Newcastle

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