Adding some sonic seasoning to the standard European media product showcase is paying off nicely for Sony Multi-room speakers this week …
17th June 2015

Adding some sonic seasoning to the standard European media product showcase is paying off nicely for Sony Multi-room speakers this week …

Some may be aware of the experience that we laid on to showcase Sony Multi-room speakers to around 50 or so media from across Europe.

Well, thanks to some well placed story generation we’ve ensured that it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

You see, although the event was intended as a media experience and showcase, we also ensured that it would deliver plenty of opportunities for coverage once the one night extravaganza was complete.

So it is that we have been getting cracking coverage across the Daily Mail, Daily Star, Daily Mirror, Protein, PSFK, TrendHunter and a host of European titles for the same night’s festivities.

Thanks to some work with academic, Charles Spence we’ve been suggesting some “sonic seasoning” to add to the meal experience – delivered through our speakers, naturally.
Playing music from your food’s country of origin, listening to slower music that means taste lingers longer on the palate, listening to classical music while drinking wine or using high or low frequency sounds to enhance bitter or sweet flavours all serve to give an added dimension to food, it transpires.

And with another couple of stories to come, it’s fair to say we’re working this media trip for all its worth when it comes to coverage.

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