We’ve finally become record breakers in Hope&Glory as bespoke offers, Bompas & Parr and some gastronomes combined to create the 200 Club
7th September 2015

We’ve finally become record breakers in Hope&Glory as bespoke offers, Bompas & Parr and some gastronomes combined to create the 200 Club

We were tasked with creating a unique and compelling experience which would build brand awareness of bespokeoffers.co.uk and, more importantly, drive consumers to the deals website, leveraging the food category to do so.

To fulfil this brief and create an event that would propel bespoke offers into the news and lifestyle pages, as well as their natural territory of the deals press, we partnered with gastronomic geniuses Bompas & Parr to create The 200 Club: the world’s longest tasting menu. Comprising 200 separate courses served on average every 7 minutes and 14 seconds over a 24-hour period, the epic eat-a-thon was attended by over 45 lucky gastronomes – four of whom conquered the full 200 courses.

Launching a month of dining deals exclusively on the website, tickets to this once in a lifetime event were available solely via bespokeoffers.co.uk, thus playing on the intrigue created by media coverage to drive both new and existing customers directly to the site to find out more and purchase tickets. Appetite for the event was high with the general public ticket allocation selling out online.

Media were also hungry for the opportunity to attend the 24 hour extravaganza, with The Times, The Sun and ITN conquering full 24 hour challenge, resulting in a DPS in The Sun, as well as mighty serving of coverage in The Times.

Traditional media and food and lifestyle bloggers, such as Heroine in Heels, also embraced the uniqueness of the event and, as a result, bespoke offers has noted a solid 60% increase in website traffic to the food and drinks page.

In addition to securing 45 pieces of coverage to date, including articles in TimeOut, Harpers Bazaar, Evening Standard, Mashable and Marketing, we also delivered 98% positive sentiment on social media, with 580 tweets using the official #Bespoke200 hashtag tweeted over the course of the 24 hour event.

All in all, an event that we’re pleased to say left a rather great taste for all involved!










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