It’s been “Stout of this World” to unveil a new beer for GUINNESS. Introducing GUINNESS 0.0% non-alc beer
23rd October 2020

It’s been “Stout of this World” to unveil a new beer for GUINNESS. Introducing GUINNESS 0.0% non-alc beer

It’s not every day you get to launch a new product as monumental as GUINNESS non-alc – the biggest innovation for the Irish brewer in decades. Well, that’s exactly what the team got to do following months of top-secret planning.

Guinness 0.0% is a new non-alcoholic beer from the brewers at St James’s Gate that boasts the same beautifully smooth taste, perfectly balanced flavour and unique dark colour of Guinness, just without the alcohol.

The journey to launch took four years of development and has drawn on Guinness’s proud 261-year history of innovation and brewing brilliance dating from 1759.  A commitment to retaining the distinct character and taste of Guinness was central to the process led by the technical and innovation teams at St. James’s Gate brewery in Dublin.

Armed with creative imagery of a tanker wrapped to look like giant cans of Guinness 0.0%, we issued the story to press. The result was like a pint of Guinness to a thirsty rugby fan – the media loved it and the coverage flowed, kicking off with a host of nationals including The Sun, Mail Online, BBC News Online, Evening Standard, and Metro. A Press Association “bomb” then put us into well over 100 regional titles before a run of next-day print coverage showed up in The I, The Sun, The Times, Daily Mail, Metro, The Mirror, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph. Phew! Thirsty work!

Since the announcement, the phones have barely stopped ringing with media and influencers clamouring to try to the new beer and we’ve got more than a few cans lined up to be sent out in the coming weeks, keeping the story well and truly flowing.

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