Fantastic news from Hope&Glory as the awards season has started and we picked up eight EMEA Sabre Awards 2024
18th April 2024

Fantastic news from Hope&Glory as the awards season has started and we picked up eight EMEA Sabre Awards 2024

The award season seems to come around alarmingly quickly and we’re delighted to say that our year is up and running (at considerable pace) as the first events have happened and we’ve made quite the impact on them.

We picked up a fantastic eight awards across eight campaigns at the EMEA Sabre Awards. We ended up the most-awarded agency of the night beating out competition from the major global networks which, as a UK independent shop was something of a source of pride.

As ever we’re really proud not to be a one-trick pony and to see a host of different campaigns and clients recognised – because creative consistency has always been intensely important to us as an agency.

Hence seeing IKEA picked up for three awards for two very different campaigns filled us with joy.

Our work with Shelter to create “Real Life Roomsets” – recreating real temporary accommodation in place of the roomsets in IKEA stores to highlight the challenges faced by families awaiting permanent homes across the UK due to the housing crisis – is won two.

It lifted the trophy as the Best Retail Campaign and as the Best ESG Campaign. As they say, now for something completely different, our work that saw the brand poke some social media fun at Balenciaga as the fashion house launched a towel skirt picked up Best Social Media Campaign. The work also picked up a gong for Best Newsjacking in the In2 Sabres.

Also a winner was our work with Dacia which saw us “troll” (the Daily Mail’s words not ours) BMW and Tesla owners by offering free hot water bottles to those who didn’t fancy paying a subscription to be able to use the heated seats features of their cars. It also scooped an In2 Sabre Award as Best Use of Micro-budget.

There were two awards wins for our campaign with Uber that saw the brand create “Coronation Carriages” to mark the crowning of King Charles III which went down an absolute media storm. The juries gave it the nod in the Media Relations and the Best Ecommerce Brand campaign categories. Really fantastic.

Then there was a nod for two other pieces of work from the last twelve months.

Our re-opening of hmv’s flagship on Oxford Street won for Best Institutional Image as we delivered over 1,000 pieces of coverage around the opening. And our work with NOW launching the final season of Succession, which saw Brian Cox open the Market at the London Stock Exchange won an In2 Sabre Award for Best Event.

Phew. There you have it. A brief summary here …

Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Retail for IKEA

Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, ESG for IKEA

Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Social Media for IKEA

Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Reputation Management for Trainline

Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Institutional Image for hmv

Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Media Relations for Uber

Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, E-commerce for Uber

Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Automotive for Dacia

In2 Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Event for NOW

In2 Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Media for hmv

In2 Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Micro-budget for Dacia

In2 Sabre Awards EMEA 2024: Winner, Newsjacking for IKEA

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