Fancy listening to a crash course in Hope&Glory culture rather than reading about it? Add this to playlist and your dream will be answered
19th June 2024

Fancy listening to a crash course in Hope&Glory culture rather than reading about it? Add this to playlist and your dream will be answered

James (that’s actually me, I am writing this and therefore referring to myself in the third person, it’s weird), sat down with Dean who founded Latte (a recruitment consultancy we use on a not-infrequent basis) as part of their Cut the BS Podcast series.

He rambles about Hope&Glory culture, what you have to do as an agency to create and maintain a great culture, how the agency goes about hiring, what we look for in a candidate, what the culture is at the agency and also waffles about a goodly amount besides.

It’s about 30 minutes that (according to the shownotes) covers …

– Where is best to start your PR career?
– Scaling a values-based agency culture
– The interview process at Hope&Glory
– Training people to be good managers
– How do you enable people to do great work?
– What inspired Hope&Glory to sign the Clean Creatives pledge?

In reality it’s slightly maniacal and not altogether as structured as that would make you believe.

Anyway if it sounds like that might float your boat you can listen here.

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