We’re as pleased as punch to find that one of our founding clients is that bastion of British creativity, D&AD. For those who haven’t come across it, D&AD (or Design & Art Directors Club to give it it’s full and original name) recognises and fosters talent across the creative industries.
Many of us may know it for its Yellow (and now Black and White) pencils, waved around by creative above the line agencies across the land.
However, its remit is far wider and on the one hand spans product, digital and magazine design on the one hand. And training, advocacy and business support on the other.
So … what are we up to? Well, first of all, D&AD celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year. So we’re going to be helping add some zing and zest to their PR activity to make sure that their birthday celebrations go with a swing. And we’re going to be helping them to engage with the international design and creative media, running media relations for them across the main European, American and Asian markets.
We are, as you might expect, rather looking forward to it.