The team was over the moon to pick up no fewer than seven gongs at the Cannes Lions for our work with the V&A
23rd June 2024

The team was over the moon to pick up no fewer than seven gongs at the Cannes Lions for our work with the V&A

Last year our friendship with the team at adam&eveDDB led to some remarkable work with the team at CALM and resulted in a crop of award wins at D&AD, the Sabres, PR Week, basically a sweep. 

Which is perhaps why we weee so pleased to get to work with them again, this time on an integrated campaign for the V&A. 

Their planners and creative team came up with a big idea – that If You’re Into It, It’s In The V&A, promoting the museum’s permanent collection of objects while attracting a younger audience to the institution. 

We got involved with them to help take the idea into editorial, which duly we did and with considerable success and formidable impact. 

The whole thing has been heralded a phenomenal commercial success and has reached niche audiences as well as the wider public through our combined work. It’s been especially effective at getting to a new audience which was, after all, the whole point of the endeavour  

Anyway, cutting to the chase we found out last week that our collective endeavours picked up no fewer than seven Cannes Lions by the time the festival had come to an end. 

Those included a Gold for Small Scale in the Media category as well as four Silvers and a Bronze Lion.

Oh, and there was a Silver for our work with CALM on The Last Photo, picking up a gong in the Creative Effectiveness category now that the campaign has been wrapped-up and measured.

Cannes Lions 2024: Gold, Small Scale Media for the V&A

Cannes Lions 2024: Silver, Special Editions & Bespoke Items for the V&A

Cannes Lions 2024: Silver, Personalised Campaigns for the V&A

Cannes Lions 2024: Silver, Local Brand for the V&A

Cannes Lions 2024: Silver, Design for Promotional Items for the V&A

Cannes Lions 2024: Silver, Creative Effectiveness for Good for CALM

Cannes Lions 2024: Bronze, Brand & Communications for the V&A 

In a year when PR arguably stepped out of the shadow of our ATL counterparts and scooped a host of gongs, we’re still proud to work alongside the creative agencies and bring an integrated approach to brand communications for our clients where it’s required. 

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