We’re absolutely over the moon to be recognised as the Best Agency to Work for by PR Week for the second year running …
31st May 2024

We’re absolutely over the moon to be recognised as the Best Agency to Work for by PR Week for the second year running …

“We are delighted” is one of PR’s most over-used clichés. To the point that we ban it from use in press releases. First of all because it’s become so ubiquitous in quotes that it’s like wallpaper and second because, if you’re sending out a press release then it’s pretty obvious you’re delighted about it.

Anyway. On this occasion we genuinely are delighted to have been named PR Week Best Place to Work for the second year in a row.

As was written on the topic by James (our co-founder) …

When Jo Carr and I started Hope&Glory PR we were asked what our USP would be. We glibly (maybe arrogantly) said we didn’t want to be different, we just wanted to be better.

To deliver better work with less grit. And to be a better place to work for our teams. Thirteen years on it’s with considerable pride that, when measured against our peers, we’re still delivering on that ambition.

And it really is a matter of immense pride that we have always produced outstanding work but have never felt like a sweatshop (at least for any sustained amount of time – we all have our busy months) and that we’ve always been an inclusive, kind and supportive place to work without ever feeling like a country club. A balance of challenge and support.

We won Best Mid-Sized Agency for our overall work across employee wellbeing and belonging which is a source of considerable pride across the business. Not least because this is the second year in a row that we’ve picked up the accolade.

The judges were kind enough to say a few words and this is what they had to impart … “Hope&Glory is impressive on all fronts, in particular restricting comms out of hours, access to a private GP, its internal awards scheme and a clear pregnancy loss scheme, which stands out from competitors.”

We’re also recognised as the agency with the Best Intern Scheme. Once again the judges had nice things to say about us: “Having a nine-month programme, versus three or six months in most places, is an impressive commitment, and with 40 per cent of the agency being former interns, Hope&Glory’s nurturing, creative scheme clearly pays off.”

What’s more we were Highly Commended as the agency with the Best Training and Development – evidenced by the fact that, at 12 years young, almost half of our 90-strong team started with us as interns and that three former interns now sit on our board.

You’ll have got the gist by now. The judges had good things to say about us on this front too, commending “a great approach to both organisational and personal development, which both furthers business needs and personal passions. Annual career chats with founders, and twice-yearly performance reviews, are valuable.”

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