All the fun of the iPhone with O2 has meant we’ve cleaned up across the national and tech media – getting their commercial messages across with none of the fuss
16th September 2016

All the fun of the iPhone with O2 has meant we’ve cleaned up across the national and tech media – getting their commercial messages across with none of the fuss

Another year, another opportunity to get involved with all the fun of the iPhone launch.

This year, with a compelling offer from O2 on its tariff to talk about, we decided to play it straight.

We came to the conclusion that while some brands might spend big and go for stunts, media interest in the launch had switched away from the hype and back to a rational evaluation of who had the best package for punters.

Our approach was, as it turned out, richly rewarded.

We were fast out of the blocks as the iPhone was announced with coverage spread across the main consumer tech leaders including Engadget, Tech Radar, Stuff and T3, followed closely by nationals such as the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mirror.

Then we followed up with a tariff announcement where the key was to drive O2’s Refresh, Recycle, EU data roaming and Yearly Upgrade programmes. The nationals lapped it up the likes of the Daily Mirror highlighting how O2 offers iPhone customers more than ever before and The Sun focusing on Brits’ love of free music streaming from their devices.

The consumer tech and lifestyle media were loving the news with Trusted Reviews, Pocket-Lint, CNET, The Inquirer, Digital Spy and USwitch all showcasing O2’s extensive range of offers.

All in all, around 90 pieces of coverage spreading the good O2 news …

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