Launching “Dogglebox” … we’ve been working with Sky and NOW to launch a pop-up “Bonfire Night” channel to help hounds stay calm during a potentially stressful period
1st November 2024

Launching “Dogglebox” … we’ve been working with Sky and NOW to launch a pop-up “Bonfire Night” channel to help hounds stay calm during a potentially stressful period

Fireworks are a massive source of distress for many dogs, with nearly half of pet owners saying their furry friends are affected by the noise.

At the same time we wanted a story that would position Sky and NOW as the home of a great range of entertainment – particularly movies – over the November period as telly-land gears-up for the Christmas season and the battle for share of eyeballs over the festive period gets serious.

Bringing those two things together as perhaps unlikely bedfellows, we partnered with the Dogs Trust to launch a new channel on Sky and NOW, featuring a range of soothing, funny and distracting movies specifically-curated for dogs to enjoy (with their owners) as a distraction from the whizzes and bangs that happen in the week or so around Bonfire Night itself.

We christened it Dogglebox (internally, I hasten to add) and the channels comprises a selection of Sky and NOW’s extensive back catalogue as over 1,000 films were whittled down to 21 blockbusters, including the likes of Barbie and Step Brothers, to feature on the dedicated channel.

Then we brought in This Morning’s resident vet, Dr Scott to share his advice about how best to support our pets during the season who added an air of expertise and further credibility to the story and ensured that it flew when it hit the media.

The news went down brilliantly with media, and we landed almost 300 pieces of coverage for the campaign.

Highlights included pieces across nationals including Daily Star, The Sun , Daily Express, The London Standard, Daily Mirror and a host of others besides – including a clean-sweep of the regional titles, a healthy spread of broadcast featuring our own Dr. Scott.

All of the coverage showcasing the vast range of content available on both platforms in November. Happy viewing! 

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