The Courvoisier team has been making hay with a cheeky (and very alcoholic) take on the Dalgona Coffee trend
10th May 2020

The Courvoisier team has been making hay with a cheeky (and very alcoholic) take on the Dalgona Coffee trend

We love a quick reactive story here in Hope&Glory. Particularly ones that put the brands we work for at the heart of something that everyone is talking about.

And you can’t have failed to have seen the internet go nuts for Dalgona coffee – spurred on by the TikTok trend and little else to do than make whipped caffeine-fuelled beverages.

Spotting its rise, the Courvoisier team worked with our Spirits Specialist, Lucy Morton, we came up with a boozy take on the trend – the Courvoisier Dalgona (or Quarantini as it was swiftly christened).

With a recipe video shot remotely on Lucy’s social channels and some swift snaps to go with the recipe we hit the lifestyle titles and, as it happened, came up with a story that went viral.

There has been coverage across the UK titles from Metro to Tyla, Daily Star to Daily Mirror, Glamour to Red, Platinum to Delish and Good Housekeeping to FoodTryb and Master of Malt. And then the story took on a life of its own via MSN and Yahoo! and has been picked up in Poland, New Zealand, the US, and Ireland.

Bang on agenda and a cracking way to make Courvoisier part of the conversation. Salut!

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