The Royal Mint team has been unveiling the UK’s annual coin sets … celebrating key moments for 2020…
15th January 2020

The Royal Mint team has been unveiling the UK’s annual coin sets … celebrating key moments for 2020…

Since we started working with The Royal Mint quite some many years ago now, we created a new tradition for them. The New Year’s Day unveiling of the new coins being made throughout the year to come.

And it’s a tradition that has continued to this day.

So, with a whole set of pieces lined-up ahead of the Christmas break working with news and features, we were pretty confident of a healthy show.

The team then hit the phones again on New Year’s Eve (it’s become a Hope&Glory tradition) to ensure that we were everywhere as the new decade opened.

And so we were.

Crackers across the Daily MailDaily MirrorThe SunThe GuardianDaily Expressthe i PaperDaily RecordEdinburgh News and, literally hundreds of pieces across the regional media.

Thanks to the team’s work, the fact that The Royal Mint are the creators of these tiny artistic masterpieces that celebrate moments in our national culture is better known.

And the fact that there are coins to look forward to marking the Olympics, Mayflower and Agatha Christie coming to our change will, we hope, inspire a new generation of collectors to “check their change” and keep an eye out for them.

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