The Uber team has been helping the English National Opera make a spectacular return to the stage with “Uber Boxes” at Ally Pally
6th October 2020

The Uber team has been helping the English National Opera make a spectacular return to the stage with “Uber Boxes” at Ally Pally

We wanted to help Uber get some top-quality coverage amongst a high-brow audience and, in particular, target those who might be going out for a spot of culture – ensuring that when it comes to travel, the Uber app is the first one they reach for when getting out and about.

To achieve the desired results, we created a pretty unique partnership.

Working with the ENO, we made a whole series of front row “Uber Boxes” at their drive-in performances of Puccini’s La Boheme.

This meant that those who couldn’t drive to Alexandra Palace for the show could still enjoy an amazing performance from the comfort of a static Uber vehicle – a pretty spot-on campaign which not only helped associate the brand with the culture sector, but also helped position Uber as the ultimate urban mobility companion for the car-less urbanite.

We announced Uber’s innovative efforts to help widen access to the arts to a host of incredible coverage. There were crackers from The Times and the Financial Times alongside the likes of Time Out, Metro and the Evening Standard.

But the fat lady hadn’t sung quite yet! With just a few tickets left to be snapped up, the team issued a story showing that the dearth of live entertainment we’ve faced in lockdown has left audiences with “cultural cabin fever”, landing choice coverage in The Observer, The Guardian and on Times Radio.

Quite a highbrow haul and a bravura performance, even if we do say so ourselves. Which we do.

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