To give back to the fans who may have missed out, Dacia, the champions of everyday great value, offered to help with a top entertainment experience, at a price everyone can afford … er … well, it was free of charge.
In actual fact the only “charge” for this gig was the point of the event as, to take things one step further, all of the lighting and instruments were powered by the fully-electric All-New Dacia Spring, the UK’s most affordable new electric car. One of its outstanding features is the fact that drivers can reverse the charge to power all manner of electricals.
We launched the gig in light of the fact that half of Brits say they’ve missed out on seeing their favourite music artist in the last two years due to inflated ticket prices, “dynamic pricing” and rising demand.
And quite frankly, that’s not on, is it?
A rather fine show was put on we must say, heading down to Shoreditch for a night of food, drinks and free tunes, alongside some rather great coverage including spreads across The Sun and The Scottish Sun, a host of print (including the Daily Star) and a raft of regional and marketing trade hits.