Working out with the world’s biggest fitness superstar nets staggering coverage for the adidas team …
1st August 2016

Working out with the world’s biggest fitness superstar nets staggering coverage for the adidas team …

Last month, team adidas had a crazy few hours with Instagram superstar (and Queen of abs), Kayla Itsines when she jetted into London for the UK leg of her 2016 Sweat Tour.

Kayla was in town to lead a live workout for a lucky few of her 5.4 million Instagram followers and as the tour’s global sponsors, adidas had a few hours of her time to create some amazing content, as well as kitting her out on stage.

We designed two HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training for those who don’t know) workouts with Kayla, using moves from her best-selling BBG programme to target either upper or lower body.

We filmed the workouts for the adidas Women’s Facebook page so fans could join in and work out with Kayla at home.

The first of the videos went live 24-hours after filming and they’ve since been viewed over 680,000 times.

We also managed to host seven media interviews with Kayla chatting about her favourite adidas kit – the triple white PureBOOST X in case you were wondering – and secured stunning coverage including three pages in LOOK magazine and a double page spread in the Metro, as well as stand out features in Evening Standard, Grazia and Notebook and strong online content on Daily Telegraph, Women’s Health and GraziaDaily.co.uk.

All in a day’s work.

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